Schreiben der Anteilnahme an japanische Schwestergesellschaften
Wolfgang Sandner, Präsident der DPG, hat sich an die Physics Society of Japan und die Japan Society of Applied Physics gewandt.
Wolfgang Sandner, Präsident der DPG, hat sich an die Physical Society of Japan und die Japan Society of Applied Physics gewandt.
Angesichts des katastrophalen Erdbebens in Japan hat sich Wolfgang Sandner, Präsident der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG), mit Schreiben der Anteilnahme an die beiden japanischen Schwestergesellschaften der DPG gewandt. In Briefen an Shoji Nagamiya, Präsident der Physical Society of Japan, und an Yasuhiro Shiraki, Präsident der Japan Society of Applied Physics, heißt es jeweils:
The German Physical Society DPG expresses its deep sympathy with the colleagues in Japan, the Physics Society of Japan [bzw. Japan Society of Applied Physics] and the Japanese nation. The recent cumulation of natural disasters and technological accidents leave us in deep concern. We extend our condolences to those who lost friends and relatives.
We maintain numerous professional and personal relations with our friends and colleagues in Japan and were touched by their reports on the consequences of the incidents, affecting both their families and their professional lives. We understand that many professional careers may be disrupted or thrown off course and, as a professional society, would like to offer any assistance to those who may need it.
We hope that the situation will not exacerbate but come to an end and under control soon.
Wolfgang Sandner
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