
The Theory of Materials Failure

Richard M. Christensen: The Theory of Materials Failure, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013, 296 S., geb., 69,78 Euro, ISBN 9780199662111

Richard M. Christensen


A complete and comprehensive theory of failure is developed for homogeneous and isotropic materials. The full range of materials types are covered from very ductile metals to extremely brittle glasses and minerals. Two failure properties suffice to predict the general failure conditions under all states of stress. With this foundation to build upon, many other aspects of failure are also treated, such as extensions to anisotropic fiber composites, cumulative damage, creep and fatigue, and microscale and nanoscale approaches to failure.

Richard M. Christensen has over many years held positions of responsibility in industry, national laboratories, and academia. He has always been active in professional affairs and has held several leadership positions in professional societies. His technical responsibilities and research interests have been in the mechanics of materials for solids, structures, and non-Newtonian fluids. He holds five patents, has written two books and 100 archive journal papers. These are on the following and related topics: properties of polymers (viscoelasticity), composite materials, wave effects in heterogeneous materials, low density materials (extreme porosity), kinetic crack growth, life prediction and durability, failure criteria for isotropic and anisotropic solids.

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