01.10.2024 • OptikPhotonikLaser

24 October 2024: Achieving precise phase control in optical applications with digital phase-locked loops

In sensitive optical applications, obtaining the most precise measurements often involves stabilizing the laser with an external reference. One way to synchronize the phase of a signal is by using a phase-locked loop (PLL).

During this presentation, we introduce the concept of phase locking and demonstrate how to construct an optical PLL with FPGA-based instrumentation, using a fully digital lock-in amplifier, waveform generator, and phasemeter. You’ll see how to increase measurement precision, reduce experimental complexity, and minimize costs with a reconfigurable suite of instruments. You’ll also find out how to leverage Python for PLL control and feedback.

24 October 2024: Achieving precise phase control in optical applications with...

Your Key Learnings:

Watch the webinar to learn:

  • The fundamental components of a phase-locked loop.
  • How a single FPGA-based system can help fast-track optical phase locking.
  • How to use Python to implement digital PLLs.


Further ressources:


Complete the survey at the end of the webinar for a chance to win a fully loaded Moku:Go.



Jason Ball, Ph.D.
Engineer, Liquid Instruments

Jason Ball is an engineer at Liquid Instruments, where he focuses on applications in quantum physics, particularly quantum optics, sensing, and computing. He holds a Ph.D. in physics from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology and has a comprehensive background in both research and industry, with hands-on experience in microwave/RF experimental techniques and low-temperature systems.

Achieving precise phase control in optical applications with digital phase-locked loops

Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2024, 16:00 - 17:00 Uhr

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24 October 2024: Achieving precise phase control in optical applications with...


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