
Comets And Their Origin

U. Meierhenrich: Comets And Their Origin, Wiley-VCH, Berlin 2014, 352 S., geb., 129 Euro, ISBN: 978-3-527-41281-5

Uwe Meierhenrich


Divided into two parts, the first four chapters of Comets and their Origin refer to comets and their formation in general, describing cometary missions, comet remote observations, astrochemistry, artificial comets, and the chirality phenomenon.

The second part covers the cometary Rosetta mission, its launch, journey, scientific objectives, and instrumentations, as well as the landing scenario on a cometary nucleus. Along the way, the author presents general questions concerning the origin of terrestrial water and the molecular beginnings of life on Earth, as well as how the instruments used on a space mission like Rosetta can help answer them. The text concludes with a chapter on what scientists expect from the Rosetta mission and how its data will influence our life on Earth.

As a result, the author elucidates highly topical and fascinating knowledge to scientists and students of various scientific backgrounds, allowing them to work with Rosetta‘s data.

Uwe J. Meierhenrich is full Professor of Chemistry and teaches at the University Nice Sophia Antipolis in France. Professor Meierhenrich studied chemistry at the Philipps University of Marburg, Germany. After completing his Ph.D. at the University of Bremen, he identified amino acids in artificial comets at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Katlenburg-Lindau and at the Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire in Orléans in preparation for the cometary Rosetta mission. Professor Meierhenrich is co-investigator of the cometary sampling and composition COSAC instrument onboard of Rosetta's lander Philae and his scientific research activities are dedicated to the chemistry of comets and the cometary mission Rosetta. He was awarded the Horst Pracejus Prize from the GDCh in 2011 for his work on chirality and enantioselective chromatography.


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