
Interferences Events

Anne, Dippel, Martin Warnke (Hrsg.): Interferences and Events. On Epistemic Shifts in Physics through Computer, meson press 2017, 182 S., brosch., 21,90 Euro, ISBN 9783957961051, PDF (Open Access)

Anne, Dippel, Martin Warnke (Hrsg.)


About the book
Computer simulations are omnipresent media in today’s knowledge production. For scientific endeavors such as the detection of gravitational waves and the exploration of subatomic worlds, simulations are essential; however, the epistemic status of computer simulations is rather controversial as they are neither just theory nor just experiment. Therefore, computer simulations have challenged well-established insights and common scientific practices as well as our very understanding of knowledge.

This volume contributes to the ongoing discussion on the epistemic position of computer simulations in a variety of physical disciplines, such as quantum optics, quantum mechanics, and computational physics. Originating from an interdisciplinary event, it shows that accounts of contemporary physics can constructively interfere with media theory, philosophy, and the history of science.

The Authors
Dr. Anne Dippel is an anthropologist and a historian, currently working at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena and at the Cluster Image-Knowledge-Gestaltung, Humboldt-University Berlin. Her current fieldwork focuses on the production of cosmology between practice and theory in high-energy physics, amongst other research areas.

Prof. Dr. Martin Warnke is a MECS Director and works at Leuphana University Lüneburg. His areas of research are the media cultures of computer simulation and digital discourse media for image science.


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