
Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information

Moses Fayngold, Vadim Fayngold: Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information, Wiley-VCH, Berlin 2013, 858 S., brosch., 79 Euro, ISBN 9783527406470

Moses Fayngold, Vadim Fayngold


Neben einer Einführung in die Quanteninformationstheorie enthält dieser Band Raritäten wie Diskussionen der Robertson-Schrödinger-Ungleichung, der Unbestimmtheit von Winkeln und Drehmomenten, wechselwirkungsfreier Messungen und der Grenzen des No-Cloning-Theorems. All diesen Spezialthemen ist eine gründliche Erörterung der Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik und ihrer Wechselbeziehungen vorangestellt.

Moses Fayngold graduated from the State University of Samarkand and got his PhD at the Nuclear Research Institute of Academy of Science in Uzbekistan (former USSR). He has combined teaching and research in colleges of USSR and USA, most recently as a Senior University Lecturer at the Physics Department of the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He has lectured on Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity to both undergraduate and graduate students. His research interests and areas of activity include Special and General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Optics and optical imaging, particle scattering and propagation in periodic structures.

Vadim Fayngold holds two degrees - M.S. in Physics and B.S. in Computer Science. While working as a research assistant at the Department of Computer Engineering (Polytechnic University, New York), he focused on computer simulation of complex processes in fluid dynamics. The combined expertise he developed there has spurred his interest in the Quantum Information theory. Vadim came to the idea of writing this book while working on computer animations of various relativistic and quantum-mechanical phenomena.


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