
Understanding and Choosing Microscope Objectives

The first webinar by Edmund Optics will be held on 11 December, 2014 and will outline how viewers can improve the outcome of their microscopy application by choosing the right objective.

Presenter Steve Briggs Biomedical Engineer
Edmund Optics

The broad field of microscopy in the life and physical sciences has been revolutionizing biology over many decades. The recent Nobel prize in Chemistry once again underlines the importance of microscopy.

This webcast will outline how viewers can improve the outcome of their microscopy application by choosing the right objective. An introduction of important terms and concepts will be included together with a review of relevant optical microscopy. The webinar will also cover an explanation of different types of microscope objectives, reveal their operation, and offer tips on choosing an objective appropriate for a specific application.

In addition to explaining what to consider when choosing the best suited objective, the webinar will hold a live Q&A session, where attendees can ask for help with their particular setup and application concerns.

Click here to register now

Virtuelle Jobbörse

Virtuelle Jobbörse
Eine Kooperation von Wiley-VCH und der DPG

Virtuelle Jobbörse

Innovative Unternehmen präsentieren hier Karriere- und Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten in ihren Berufsfeldern.

Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei – erforderlich ist lediglich eine kurze Vorab-Registrierung.


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Kleinste auf dem Markt erhältliche Hochleistungs-Turbopumpe

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